Read for Pleasure - RforP

Reading for Pleasure 

Reading for pleasure is also referred to as independent, leisure or recreational reading. Reading for pleasure opens up new worlds for children. It gives them the opportunity to use their imagination to explore new ideas, visit new places and meet new characters. Interestingly, reading for pleasure also improves children’s well-being and empathy. It helps them to understand their own identity, and gives them an insight into the world and the views of others.
Under the project “READING FOR PLEASURE – RforP” , collaborative reading programme launched  too make reading ,ore joyful. The main aim of this program is to transform moderate readers into fervent readers and helping them to become better learners through mentoring by peers and teachers. RforP is launched by the Library of Kendriya Vidyalaya Pattom, Hazratpur.  

Why reading for pleasure matters

Research shows that the benefits of reading for pleasure are extensive and long-reaching. Reading for pleasure:

  • boosts academic achievement, and provides a foundation for critical, digital and information literacy

  • builds cognitive function and stamina when immersed in the flow of reading

  • develops empathy and knowledge — of self, other worlds, culture, heritage, and ways of being and thinking

  • empowers students to become active citizens

  • improves and builds psychological wellbeing and healthy behaviours, and

  • crucially for young people, can be relaxing and provide an escape.

Improves learning

The ability to read competently and, more importantly, the enjoyment of reading has implications for a student’s academic success.

There is debate about the best way to improve literacy. But evidence shows that reading for pleasure improves learning. In 2021, OECD research reported that reading enjoyment is an important prerequisite to becoming an effective learner. They also noted a strong link between reading, motivation and skill in adults.

Has a positive impact on reading achievement

International research strongly suggests frequent reading for enjoyment helps raise reading achievement.

Reading for pleasure had a positive impact on:

  • reading attainment and writing ability

  • text comprehension and grammar

  • breadth of vocabulary

  • positive reading attitudes

  • self-confidence as a reader

  • pleasure in reading in later life

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